
April 4, 2024
How to Deploy an Application With the Same Address Cross-Chain
Learn how to deploy a smart contract at the same address across different blockchains
January 19, 2024
Transacting With AxelarJS
Use AxelarJS to estimate gas costs, query your transaction status, and debug faulty transactions
October 25, 2023
How to Create a 2-way Communication Smart Contract With Solidity and Axelar
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a 2-way cross-chain communication smart contract with Solidity and Axelar General Message Passing (GMP)
August 21, 2023
How to Build a Cross-Chain Airdrop DApp With Solidity, Next.js and Axelar
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a decentralized application (dApp) for cross-chain airdrops using Solidity, Next.js and Axelar General Message Passing for distributing tokens across multiple chains
August 1, 2023
How to Create an Interchain Token with Axelar in 4 Steps
This tutorial will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating, registering and deploying an Interchain Token using the Axelar Interchain Token Portal and interacting with the token across multiple blockchains.
July 2, 2023
Build a Full-Stack Interchain Application With Next.js, Solidity & Axelar
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a full-stack interchain decentralized application with Next.js, Solidity and Axelar General message passing to send messages from one blockchain to another.
July 15, 2022
Axelar Code: Build a DApp that Calls a Contract and Transfers Tokens on Chain B from Chain A
In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Axelar services and functions to build a dApp that calls a contract on chain B from chain A and transfer tokens, for example to purchase an NFT, to send an airdrop, or to distribute tokens from a DAO.