Axelar Supports Bridging for Stranded BEP3 Assets from Kava to Binance Chain (PSA)

Following the migration, the Kava community selected Axelar to bridge away any remaining assets that were stranded after the migration. Using various Axelar services, users are able to bridge BEP3 assets to Binance Smart Chain for BEP20 assets.

May 22, 2024
Galen Moore
May 22, 2024

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Axelar supports the cross-chain bridging of four assets that were previously stranded on Binance due to the sunsetting of Binance’s BEP3 Bridge.

BEP3 allowed atomic swaps between blockchains, including Kava Chain and Binance Chain. BEP3-bridged assets on Kava Chain are currently backed by assets on Binance Beacon Chain. These backing assets were migrated to Binance Smart Chain around April 30.

Following the migration, the Kava community selected Axelar to bridge away any remaining assets that were stranded after the migration. Using various Axelar services, users are able to bridge BEP3 assets to Binance Smart Chain for BEP20 assets.

Four assets are affected: BNB, BTCB, BUSD and XRPB.

For reference, here is Binance's announcement regarding sunsetting of BEP3:

Here is Kava's original post announcing the transition from BEP3 to Binance Smart Chain: