How to Set Up an Axelar Wallet (for AXL Tokens) With Keplr

To send, receive, store and stake AXL tokens, and connect to the Axelar network, you need to set up an Axelar wallet. Here's how to do that with Keplr wallet.

January 17, 2023
Galen Moore
January 17, 2023

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This guide teaches you how to set up your wallet for the Axelar network token (AXL). You can use this wallet and the addresses it generates to send/receive AXL, store AXL and stake AXL with a validator. The tutorial includes instructions for:

  • How to set up your Keplr Wallet.
  • How to access the Axelar network through your Keplr Wallet and use it as an AXL wallet.

Keplr is a leading wallet in the Cosmos ecosystem. Set-up is similar for other Axelar-supporting wallets such as Cosmostation and Ledger. Specific instructions are also available for Cosmostation and will soon be available for Ledger.

How to Set Up Your Keplr Wallet

1. Search Keplr on the Google Chrome Store

(or just click through that handy link).


Note: As of the time of writing, Keplr is only officially supported on the Google Chrome browser. For security reasons, we recommend against unofficial extensions.

2. Click “Add to Chrome.”


3. Click “Add Extension,” when pop-up prompts.


You’ve now added Keplr to your Google Chrome browser!

If you’re having trouble finding the extension, click the puzzle piece in the top-right corner. From there, you can navigate to the Keplr extension, or click the pushpin to pin the extension to the browser for easy access.


4. To create your Keplr account, click the extension icon and choose “Create New Account.”


5. Create your account name, and write down your mnemonic seed phrase in a safe place.

❗This is CRUCIAL to recovering your account if you lose/forget/need to reset your password. Do not share your mnemonic seed phrase with anybody.

(The one used in the screenshots is a throwaway.) If you think your seed phrase has been compromised, move your funds to a secure wallet.


6. Repeat the seed phrase in order, as prompted, and enter the password of your choosing.


Access the Axelar network

Now that you’ve created your account, it’s time to access the Axelar network, so you can have a fully functioning AXL wallet!

1. Click the Keplr icon to open up the wallet, and click the downwards arrow to change networks.


2. From there, scroll down and select Axelar.


Now you’re set to send, receive and stake Axelar (AXL) from your Keplr wallet!

Note: your Axelar address will be the one that begins with “axelar1,” this address is public, which means that it can be shared with others safely. If you wish for somebody to send you AXL tokens, you must let them know this address so that you can receive them.


Keplr is a leading IBC-enabled wallet for the Cosmos ecosystem. To learn more about how wallets and addresses are created within Cosmos, check out the Cosmos documentation here.