FVM Dataverse Axelar Hackathon Winners

There were some fantastic use cases and MVPs submitted, however only three projects could win the top prize.

August 10, 2023
Galen Moore
August 10, 2023

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The FVM Dataverse Hackathon is part of the Builder Support series, organized by the Filecoin community to bring the most promising developers, teams and ideas together to solve real world problems faced by end users and builders in Web3. Following Axelar & Filecoin's blockchain storage interoperability announcement earlier this year, Axelar was excited to host a bounty during the FVM Dataverse Hack to leverage both decentralized storage and interoperability to give builders the opportunity to contribute core building blocks in the Filecoin and Axelar ecosystem.

Axelar had 10,000 USDC in prizes for the best use of General Message Passing (GMP) in a dApp, based on overall design, FVM implementation, technical accomplishment, potential impact and creativity of the solution. With 581 hackers in total and 77 projects submitted over a month, there were some fantastic use cases and MVPs submitted, however only three projects could win the top prize. Keep reading to learn more about the top three projects submitted to Axelar’s bounty during the hackathon.

1st Place: Inter-Linked

Safely bridge and transfer tokens across chains


“Inter-Linked is a Chrome extension that enables users to securely transfer ERC20 tokens from one chain/network to another. It leverages a smart contract to hold funds until they are claimed by the intended recipient. If the recipient doesn't claim the funds or if the sender realizes they made a mistake, transactions can be easily reverted, ensuring the safe retrieval of funds.

We built Inter-Linked using a combination of technologies, including Solidity for smart contract development, the Axelar network for cross-chain interoperability, and the Chrome extension framework for the user interface.”

Learn more about Inter-Linked here: https://devpost.com/software/inter-linked

Watch the project demo here:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyfX3SYWhZA

2nd Place: Safe {Team}

Redefining Treasury and Asset Management for Teams


“Safe{Team} is not just a tool; it's a vision for the future of treasury management for teams in the Web3 ecosystem. It allows sponsors to transfer assets from their preferred blockchain to the winning teams. It simplifies and secures the process, and most importantly, it decentralizes the experience. We've even gone a step further, allowing sponsors to send funds (USDC) over the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) network, in line with the hackathon's ethos.

We leveraged an array of technologies, languages, and platforms like Filecoin, Ethereum, Solidity, JavaScript, Next.js, Ethers js, Web3Auth, Gelato, Gnosis Safe Multisig, Superfluid, Polybase for database management, and Axelar for asset bridging. Each of these elements came together to create a solution that is greater than the sum of its parts.”

Learn more about Safe {Team} here: https://devpost.com/software/safe-team

Watch the project demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDpOn0I4dE4

3rd Place: Filecoin-Powered DARO

Empowering Minds, Catalyzing Breakthroughs, and Revolutionizing Scientific Discoveries


“DARO is not just another decentralized autonomous organization (DAO); it is a beacon of hope for the research community, igniting the flame of innovation and opening doors to endless possibilities. It goes beyond providing a platform for researchers to publish their work on the Filecoin network and receive fair rewards based on quality and impact. DARO embodies the unwavering belief that collaboration is the key to unlocking scientific breakthroughs. It fosters a vibrant ecosystem where researchers from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and expertise come together to collaborate, share knowledge, and collectively push the boundaries of human understanding. By leveraging Filecoin's decentralized storage infrastructure, DARO ensures that research data remains secure, tamper-proof, and accessible to all, regardless of geographical constraints or institutional affiliations. Researchers can safely store their valuable datasets and confidently build upon existing knowledge, knowing that their contributions are protected and preserved for future generations. But DARO doesn't stop at storage. It empowers researchers to connect, engage, and co-create in ways previously unimaginable. Through intuitive collaboration features, researchers can seamlessly exchange ideas, provide feedback, and embark on multidisciplinary collaborations that transcend borders. It levels the playing field, giving a voice to underrepresented researchers and marginalized communities. It ensures that talent and potential are the currency, not privileged networks or access. DARO sparks a revolution where brilliance thrives, regardless of background, gender, or socioeconomic status. Imagine the impact of DARO's contributions on society. With each breakthrough, we inch closer to solutions for global challenges—sustainable development, healthcare advancements, climate change mitigation, and more. DARO is not just a platform; it's a catalyst for change, a catalyst that has the power to shape a brighter future for humanity.

Building DARO was a collaborative effort that brought together a diverse set of technologies and expertise. Here's a breakdown of how we built it using Solidity, Hardhat, React, Filecoin, and Axelar:

Solidity: We leveraged Solidity, a smart contract programming language, to develop the core functionalities of DARO. Solidity allowed us to define the smart contracts that govern the interactions and reward mechanisms within the DAO. Through Solidity, we implemented features such as publication submissions, quality assessment algorithms, and reward distribution mechanisms and connected with Axelar. Here is the address of the deployed smart-contract which I have deployed on FileCoin Hyperspace Testnet: 0xb255Bc85069bDe14D66333Abb89ab7a226F39D39

Hardhat: Hardhat served as our development environment and deploying framework for the Ethereum blockchain.

React: On the front-end, we utilized React, a popular JavaScript library, to build an intuitive and user-friendly interface for researchers to interact with DARO. React's component-based architecture allowed us to create modular and reusable UI components, enhancing the overall user experience. Researchers could seamlessly navigate through the platform, submit publications, collaborate with peers, and track their contributions and access fundings.

Filecoin: Filecoin played a pivotal role in DARO's infrastructure by providing a decentralized and secure storage network. We integrated Filecoin's APIs and protocols to enable researchers to store their publications and associated data on the distributed Filecoin network. This ensured the immutability, resilience, and availability of research assets while maintaining privacy and data ownership. In this link towards line 53, I have implemented so that FileCoin's IPFS stores file on IPFS. link Here also in this link towards line 92, I have implemented so that FileCoin's IPFS stores file on IPFS. link

Axelar: To enable cross-chain fundings and collaborations, we integrated Axelar's General Message Passing software. This allowed researchers to access funding opportunities from different blockchain networks seamlessly. Axelar acted as a bridge, facilitating the secure transfer of value and information across different chains, including Filecoin. With Axelar, researchers could tap into a broader ecosystem of resources and unlock new avenues for growth and collaboration. This is the link of my smart contract where I have implemented Axelar cross chain funding specification. First I have imported some contracts on line 4,5,6. Then on Line 10 we have to pass gateway and gasReceiver address of the chain we want to use through Axelar. Then on line 180 to allow cross chain funding. I have give 0.001ETH to Axelar every time to process cross chain fundings. link

Throughout the development process, we prioritized security, scalability, and user experience. Extensive testing, code reviews, and audits were conducted to ensure the reliability and robustness of the entire system. We also incorporated feedback from researchers and industry experts to refine and enhance the platform's functionalities.

By harnessing the power of Solidity, Hardhat, React, Filecoin, and Axelar, we created a comprehensive and innovative ecosystem that revolutionizes the way researchers collaborate, publish, and receive support. Our solution brings together the strengths of each technology, providing a seamless experience for researchers while upholding the principles of decentralization, security, and inclusivity.”

Learn more about Filecoin-Powered DARO here: https://devpost.com/software/filecoin-powered-daro

Watch the project demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jzL4DRH398