Table of Contents

Axelar network has launched General Message Passing, providing a permissionless transport overlay for cross-chain dApp communication. This opens new possibilities for dApp developers, enabling what we call the “Web3 Super App.”
Update: The first phase of our grant program is closed with 18 winners, but we are keeping the Axelar grant program open on a rolling basis. Learn more here.
Context: a multichain grant program
Some of the most dynamic developers in Web3 are building on new Layer 1 chains. Via Axelar network, they are now leveraging network effects to aggregate users, pool liquidity and integrate any function from any dApp on any platform.
A Web3 Super App lets its users access anything on Web3, without leaving the app or signing transactions on any other chain. Web3 is permissionless, making this kind of interoperability possible in a way that could never happen in Web2, without building an ecosystem of applications from the ground up. We are opening this multichain grant program to incentivize Web3 buidlers to develop cross-chain apps like these. (Learn more about this concept here.)
We believe that such an app should also be permissionless: its transactions should never be censorable by an intermediary. This is why we have built Axelar network on a permissionless validator set to achieve maximum decentralization and maximum security.
The challenge
Build a cross-chain native application, using Axelar network to give it the distribution of the entire Web3 ecosystem. Use your imagination: new capabilities are in your hands; we want to see dApps that Web3 has never seen before. Integrate assets, functionality and the ability to interact with users of another dApp on another chain.
Grant phases
- Phase 1,
- Let’s get started: Up to 15 grants, $20K each [cash or Axelar token equivalent value].
- Phase 2,
- Genesis: Up to 5 investments, up to $200K each [incorporation].
- Phase 3,
- Let’s roll: Up to 2 investments, up to $500K each.
Phase 2 and 3 participants will also receive marketing support and introductions to potential investors and partners from the Axelar team.
- Submit applications by April 21.
- Phase 1 candidates announced May 5.
- Phase 1: May-June.
- Phases 2 & 3: Variable length.
Update: The first phase of our grant program is closed with 18 winners, but we are keeping the Axelar grant program open on a rolling basis. Learn more here.
We want to see:
- Team background [GitHub, LinkedIn].
- Description of your idea.
- Outline of your execution plan [timeline, resources].
- What you want to know about Axelar network / integration.