Axelar Brings New Assets and Trading Options to Pangolin

Axelar is excited to announce a partnership with Pangolin, a decentralized exchange (DEX) for Avalanche and Ethereum assets.

January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023

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Axelar is excited to announce a partnership with Pangolin, a decentralized exchange (DEX) for Avalanche and Ethereum assets. Axelar’s advanced infrastructure will allow Pangolin to access assets from major Layer 1s including the Cosmos Hub, Terra, Bitcoin and more. This integration will enable Pangolin to support deep liquidity pools for new trading pairs like ATOM/UST, thus bootstrapping the use of these assets in Avalanche’s booming DeFi ecosystem.

“We are looking forward to partnering with Pangolin to bring new assets and trading options to the platform, and expanding the Axelar network into decentralized exchanges,” said Sergey Gorbunov, co-founder and CEO of Axelar. “Avalanche offers both a strong network and community and we are excited for Pangolin to join the Axelar ecosystem.”

Axelar’s direct integration with the Pangolin DEX means that users of the platform won’t have to rely on an external bridge, significantly bolstering both security and efficiency. Because of this, Axelar will allow for new assets to be available on the platform much faster without having to build heavy third party solutions, leading to an improved UX and higher tolerance against downtime and attacks.

“We’re very excited to work with the Axelar team. In all our interactions we’ve been impressed with the scope of their vision and the great level of professionalism shown throughout our engagement. Working with world class partners allows us to achieve our vision of a cross-chain world at Pangolin,” said Justin Trollip, Project Manager at Pangolin Exchange.

About Axelar

Axelar is building a decentralized network and tools that connect users, assets, and dApp across multiple blockchain ecosystems. The network empowers developers to build on the best platform for their needs while leveraging the Axelar stack to unlock cross-chain composability and liquidity. Axelar Network consists of a protocol suite, tools, and APIs, designed to break down the barriers to cross-chain communication. Powered by a decentralized open network of validators, anyone can join the network, use it and build on it. The Axelar Network provides a uniform solution to cross-chain communication, allowing dApps to integrate with the full blockchain ecosystem. Developed by the founding tea6m members of Algorand and their team, Axelar’s co-founders are award-winning graduates of MIT, where they received notable recognition as part of their graduate studies.

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About Pangolin Exchange

Pangolin Exchange is a community-driven decentralized exchange (DEX) with fast-settlement, low fees, and a democratic process. Built on the Avalanche Network. Pangolin brings you the best trading opportunities to find and maximize your yield.

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Axelar Brings New Assets and Trading Options to Pangolin was originally published in Axelar on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.